Login same user on .Net website to Yii through link

We are moving our site over from .Net to Yii. We are going to slowly switch over by writing one view for a controller at a time in Yii and having the .Net site point to the new views that replace it’s views. What we want is to have the user login on the Yii side or .Net side and when clicking on a link that will take you to the other site, the user’s authentication will be placed, and that user will be logged in without having to go through another login screen. I am looking to be pointed in the right direction. I think this needs to be down with an ajax post call, but I am not sure. I have looked at the following link. Here is the code I tried to kind of replicate it:

public function actionAjaxGetAuth() {

		$username = "something";

		$password = "secret";

		$identity=new UserIdentity($username,$password);




I receive the following error:

and I get logged out

Any help would be greatly appreciated.