kartik select expected string , object given

//error:: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given

//desc:: kartik Select2 expects date from getAllCountries() to in a certain format i dont understand


<?= Select2::widget([

    'name' => 'country_code',

    'data' => Country::getAllCountries(),

    'options' => [

        'id' => 'country_select',

        'multiple' => false, 

        'placeholder' => 'Choose...',

        'class' => 

' uk-width-medium-7-10']




//Country model


     * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery


    public function getAllCountries()


        return Country::find()->orderby('country_name')->all();



[color="#006400"]/* Moved from "General Discussions" to "Extensions" */[/color]

‘data’ should be an associative array where the keys are the option values and the values are the option label.

So your getAllCountries() must return something like:


        1 => 'USA',

        2 => 'Russia',

        3 => 'Great Britain',


Check the following API reference.
