[Yii2] Modal Pop Up for image zoom and detail into a table

Hi all, I have a very simple table with some data get from my db.

I don’t use GridView, i simply draw a table and then i loop in my ActiveRecord and i draw each row like this:


    <td class="text-center">

        <?= Html::img($mostsearch->idArticle->imageurl,['height'=>'40','width'=>'40','class' => ['img-bordered-theme', 'img-circle']]); ?>




            <?= Html::a($mostsearch->idArticle->description,['/search/geodet','id'=>$mostsearch->idArticle->id,'keysearch'=>'']); ?>



          <?= Html::encode($mostsearch->idArticle->detail); ?>&nbsp;




the result is a table with a little image of my article in my first column. Now i want that when the user click on it, open a modal window with a full page image and some caption as detail.

What is the best way to do that? I can’t find similar example online.

Thank’s for any suggestion.

My link

Bootstrap modal is the best one.

If you need more fancy material, Just go with any other jQuery plugin