
Hi all!

I made a migration module for Yii2 applications, because if I wanted to make any migration file or apply any of them I had to do it via CLI. So with this module you can:

  • generate the files just like "php yii migrate/create xy"

  • apply all migrations up to a specific one

  • apply any migration regardless there is any other migration waiting

  • redo a singe migration

  • revert a singe migration

  • mark/unmark a migration

  • display information about a migration (created on, applied on, name)

  • after any interaction you can see messages in a CLI-like display

  • determine users that can use that module

  • add a date format config

  • add a migration path for your files

  • determine the database table name

  • automatic initialization by your config

I wanted to submit it on the extensions site, but "Sorry, you are too new to add an extension to the repository".

So I just post it in the forums, so anyone can download if they want.

You can find the extension (plus infos about the install and config) here: