full multilanguage url


Im making multilanguage website. I have so far used Yii2 Locale URLs extension (https://github.com/codemix/yii2-localeurls) by Codemix to make urls like:



But this extension has one major problem when i want full SEO website. I cant translate controllers and actions like this:

/en/contact -> site/contact

/de/kontakt -> site/contact

Im sure im not the only one who needs this kind of solution. Can anybody help me or suggest better extension? Any ideas?

up! Anyone?

Can be done manually in UrlManager konfig:

'urlManager' => [


	'class' => 'yii\web\GroupUrlRule',,

	'prefix' => 'en',

	'routePrefix' => '',

	'ruleConfig' => ['defaults' => ['language' => 'en']],

	'rules' => [

  	'contact' => 'site/contact',

  	'about-us' => 'site/about-us',




	'class' => 'yii\web\GroupUrlRule',,

	'prefix' => 'de',

	'routePrefix' => '',

	'ruleConfig' => ['defaults' => ['language' => 'de']],

	'rules' => [

  	'kontakt' => 'site/contact',

  	// and so on...




\yii\helpers\Url::toRoute(['site/contact', 'language' => \Yii::$app->language]);

or, if you have a large website with hundreds of routes, you might want create a custom CompositeUrlRule implementation.