Leaflet extension and Geosearch


Im relatively new to the Yii framework. I’m trying to get leaflet extension to work on my project. I installed it via composer and everything seems to be installed properly but when I try to insert it into an activeForm it throws me this error:

The file or directory to be published does not exist: /Users/StationDomain/Pega/Repos/Expositown/web_expositown/vendor/bower/leaflet/dist

Im trying to build a Geosearch field with a map.

The extensions I have installed are:

"2amigos/yii2-leaflet-extension": "~1.0",

"2amigos/yii2-leaflet-geocoder-plugin": "~1.0",

"2amigos/yii2-leaflet-geosearch-plugin": "~1.0"

This is my code on the ActiveForm (its just the same as the provided on GitHub):


        $center = new LatLng(['lat' => 39.67442740076734, 'lng' => 2.9347229003906246]); 

        $geoSearchPlugin = new GeoSearch([ 

            'service' => GeoSearch::SERVICE_OPENSTREETMAP 


        $tileLayer = new TileLayer([ 

            'urlTemplate' => 'link not allowed because its one of my first posts...', 

            'clientOptions' => [ 

                'attribution' => 'Tiles Courtesy of MapQuest ' . ', ' . 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ' . 'CC-BY-SA', 'subdomains' => '1234' 



        $leafLet = new LeafLet([ 

            'name' => 'geoMap', 

            'tileLayer' => $tileLayer, 

            'center' => $center, 

            'zoom' => 10, 

            'clientEvents' => [ // setting up one of the geo search events for fun 

                'geosearch_showlocation' => 'function(e){ console.log(e.target); }' 



        // add the plugin 


        // run the widget (you can also use Map::widget([...])) 

        echo $leafLet->widget(); 
