settingCalculated variable in Model and access

setting a Calculated variable in Model

I have a calculated variable defined in Dairies model - public $sexLabel;

Also have functions to retieve sex of dairy which works as below

public static function getSexLabels()


    return [

        self::MALE => 'Bull',

        self::FEMALE => 'Heifer',




public function getSexLabel()


    $lables = self::getSexLabels();


	if (isset($lables[$this->sex])) {

		$this->sexLabel = $lables[$this->sex];

		//echo 'sexLabel: '.$this->sexLabel."<br>";

		return $lables[$this->sex];

    } else {

        return "invalid sex ({$this->sex})";



problem is $sexLabel variable is not available in views and so i have to call the function getSexLabel().

Is their a way to set $sexLabel so i can retrieve in view as $model->$sexLabel, Or is their a function that can be called initialise calculated variables


Working example:



     * @param bool $colored

     * @return array


    public static function getNdsLabels($colored = false)


        return [

            self::WITH_NDS => ($colored ? '<span style="color: #5cb85c">с НДС</span>' : 'с НДС'),

            self::WITHOUT_NDS => ($colored ? '<span style="color: #eea236">без НДС</span>' : 'без НДС'),




     * @return string


    public function getNdsLabel()


        $labels = static::getNdsLabels();

        return isset($labels[$this->with_nds]) ? $labels[$this->with_nds] : 'Неизвестный тип';



echo $model->ndsLabel;