Yii2 Codeception In Advanced Template

Hello fellow Yii2 devs,

I am having difficulties with setting up Codeception under the Yii2 Advanced App.

The README.md in [approot]/tests (https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced/blob/master/tests/README.md)

tells me to do this (step 5):

However I get this error straightaway when I try to build:

I thought this had to do with the Global version of codeception having a different version than the one in vendor/bin, but that’s not the case (am using version 2.0.5 of codeception).

Have I got a wrong configuration someplace else?

Thanks for your help anyone!


I don’t have a Codeception in my vendor bin. :)

I do have one in my home directory (globally installed).

You didn’t add it to your local composer.json did you?

You only need the Yii integration which is there by default.

I am not sure if that’s what’s causing the error you’re having.

Ask the Codeception guys too.