Nested Extension

Hi, I would like use this extension and Create the Model of example and i gets error when i try create root category-menu


namespace frontend\models;

use common\models\Category;

use creocoder\nestedsets\NestedSetsBehavior;

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

class Menu extends ActiveRecord


    public function behaviors()


        return [

            'tree' => [

                'class' => NestedSetsBehavior::className(),

                 'treeAttribute' => 'tree',

                 'leftAttribute' => 'lft',

                 'rightAttribute' => 'rgt',

                 'depthAttribute' => 'depth',




    public function transactions()


        return [

            self::SCENARIO_DEFAULT => self::OP_ALL,



    public static function find()


        return new MenuQuery(get_called_class());




I have table menu in Database whose i created through migration.

What is wrong?