refactor common code used by Models

I have several models using the same code and I would like to handle it better.

class Expense extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord


    const STATUS_DELETED = 0;

    const STATUS_NEW = 1;

    const STATUS_PENDING = 2;

    const STATUS_APPROVED = 3;

    const STATUS_DECLINED = 4;


    public static function StatusInText()


        return array(

            self::STATUS_DELETED => 'DELETED', 

            self::STATUS_NEW => 'NEW', 

            self::STATUS_PENDING => 'PENDING', 

            self::STATUS_APPROVED => 'APPROVED', 

            self::STATUS_DECLINED => 'DECLINED', 




    public function StatusToText()


        $status = self::StatusInText();

        if (array_key_exists($this->status, $status)) {

            return $status[$this->status];

        } else {

            return '';



class Car extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord


    const STATUS_DELETED = 0;

    const STATUS_NEW = 1;

    const STATUS_PENDING = 2;

    const STATUS_APPROVED = 3;

    const STATUS_DECLINED = 4;


    public static function StatusInText()


        return array(

            self::STATUS_DELETED => 'DELETED', 

            self::STATUS_NEW => 'NEW', 

            self::STATUS_PENDING => 'PENDING', 

            self::STATUS_APPROVED => 'APPROVED', 

            self::STATUS_DECLINED => 'DECLINED', 




    public function StatusToText()


        $status = self::StatusInText();

        if (array_key_exists($this->status, $status)) {

            return $status[$this->status];

        } else {

            return '';



As you see, both the model use same constant and same public function. It’s duplication. How can I improve the code ?

any ideas ?


You could write your own BaseModel containing the common code.

Then extend from that BaseModel.


are you thinking like

class BaseModel extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord


    const STATUS_DELETED = 0;

    const STATUS_NEW = 1;

    const STATUS_PENDING = 2;

    const STATUS_APPROVED = 3;

    const STATUS_DECLINED = 4;


    public static function StatusInText()


        return array(

            self::STATUS_DELETED => 'DELETED', 

            self::STATUS_NEW => 'NEW', 

            self::STATUS_PENDING => 'PENDING', 

            self::STATUS_APPROVED => 'APPROVED', 

            self::STATUS_DECLINED => 'DECLINED', 




    public function StatusToText()


        $status = self::StatusInText();

        if (array_key_exists($this->status, $status)) {

            return $status[$this->status];

        } else {

            return '';



class Expense extend BaseModel {


dont you think a trait is a better option ?

trait CommonTrait {

    const STATUS_DELETED = 0;

    const STATUS_NEW = 1;

    const STATUS_PENDING = 2;

    const STATUS_APPROVED = 3;

    const STATUS_DECLINED = 4;


    public static function StatusInText()


        return array(

            self::STATUS_DELETED => 'DELETED', 

            self::STATUS_NEW => 'NEW', 

            self::STATUS_PENDING => 'PENDING', 

            self::STATUS_APPROVED => 'APPROVED', 

            self::STATUS_DECLINED => 'DECLINED', 




    public function StatusToText()


        $status = self::StatusInText();

        if (array_key_exists($this->status, $status)) {

            return $status[$this->status];

        } else {

            return '';




class Expense extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord {

    use CommonTrait ;

    /* ... */



Was just one example.

Of course you could also use trait…

Or any other solution that helps you to reach your target. ;)



you maybe intrested in the extension I wrote to help manage the life cycle of a model inside a workflow … Have a look and see if it can help you.

here it is : yii2-workflow

