Using Laravel's Queue component with Yii2?

I had a message queuing (MQ) requirement in my app so I thought of using a MQ component for Yii. The closest I come across a native Yii extension is, but it is noway near the Laravel’s well established queue core component.

Is it possible to import Laravel framework inside Yii2 app and use the Queue component alone?

There’s work in progress


I is the above mention yii2-queue is completed ?<br />

and where i find the usage document , as not in above github link. <br />



Here’s the link:

I think it’s not finished yet. However, for RabbitMQ you can use the following:

Yes, you can use any Laravel component inside of any framework, including Yii2.

Because this is my first post, I can’t put URL to this thread. You can find illuminate/queue on GitHub for more information about Laravel Queue component.