CGridView pageSize

Hi All,

I want the user to choose how many elements wants to display in cgridview.

In actionAdmin:

if (isset($_GET['pageSize'])) {




In model:

	return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(


			'pageSize'=> Yii::app()->user->getState('pageSize', Yii::app()->params['defaultPageSize']),


In the admin view:

echo CHtml::dropDownList('pageSize', 'pageSize', array(10=>10,20=>20,30=>30,40=>40,50=>50),


			'onchange'=>"$.fn.yiiGridView.update('teilnehmer-grid',{ data:{pageSize: $(this).val() }})",


Everything works fine in this case. But I want to display this dropdownlist instead of "Displaying 1-10…" at the right top of cgridview:

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(


	'template' => $dialog->link()."{summary}\n{items}\n{pager}",

	'summaryText' => 'Elements to display: '.CHtml::dropDownList('pageSize', 'pageSize', array(10=>10,20=>20,30=>30,40=>40,50=>50),


		'onchange'=>"$.fn.yiiGridView.update('teilnehmer-grid',{ data:{pageSize: $(this).val() }})",




In this case it works for all options except "10". Seems like the 10 option remains selected after every selection in this list…any idea?

My fault!

Second parameter in dropdownlist should be $pageSize

