Yii does not understand cyrillic GET parameters

Hi all,

Has anybody experienced issues with cyrillic characters in the url. I would like to call my about page as:

index.php?r=site/page&view=занас //занас = about

Yii does not understand the value of the view parameter. I can confirm that I have also renamed my view file with its respective cyrillic name to comply with the naming convention but still no positive effect.

Has anybody discovered a work around this issue? Please share.




I looked at the CViewAction and found where the issue lies. The problem is in the regex that resolvles the view value into a valid view action call:

protected function resolveView($viewPath)


		// start with a word char and have word chars, dots and dashes only


The regexp searches for latin letters only. If I am not mistaking I will have to override this method and apply custom regex that searches for cyrillic letters. I think this should be fixed on core level to somehow pass a custom regex. If anybody has any idea on how to apply a cyrillic regex please post it here.



i think you should use latin words in your url rather than other language words.

not all browsers can support this kind of url.

perhaps you can escape this url