Separate sessions and cookies. Unable to verify your data submission.


I’m trying to setup yii2 on shared hosting environment using apache. I’m using yii 2.0.3 and advanced template.

What I can’t get to work is to separate sessions and cookies as described in the documentation tutorial, I can’t post link, but if you do a search for “yii2 tutorial shared hosting” it will be on top. In the last part there is some code to add to backend/config/main.php but when I add it I can’t login to backend anymore getting following error:

And here is the code I add:

'components' => [

    'request' => [

        'csrfParam' => '_backendCSRF',

        'csrfCookie' => [

            'httpOnly' => true,

            'path' => '/admin',



    'user' => [

        'identityCookie' => [

            'name' => '_backendIdentity',

            'path' => '/admin',

            'httpOnly' => true,



    'session' => [

        'name' => 'BACKENDSESSID',

        'cookieParams' => [

            'path' => '/admin',




So what I’m doing wrong here and how can I fix it? Let me know if you need additional info.

Thanks in advance.