Hint popup like in GII generators?

Hi Guys!

Somehow I can’t figure out how to build a hint block like in Gii generators.

I want to hover the ActiveField Label and see the Hint text / Field Describtion like in Gii.

I have attached a little Screenshot to make more clear what I want to do.

Can someone give me a little code example how to achieve this?

Thanks & Best Regards

cant you use this: http://demos.krajee.com/popover-x

modal popup is different feature than popover.

his requirement " want to hover the ActiveField Label and see the Hint text / Field Describtion like in Gii. "

Thanks I will take look at it and give it a try! :)

Still wondering why this is not a default feature for ActiveField?

Since it is used in Gii and ActiveField has the "hint()" function…

I thought there is maybe a yii build-in simple way to do this kind of hints.

Thank you again
