Pjax, work like IFrame?

I am trying to get Pjax to work similar to how an IFrame would.

I have a page on my website that needs to handle both the user sign up and the user sign in functionality.

Rather than handling this all in 1 controller method. I want separate controllers for sign up and sign in.

So I am trying to get PJax to work like an IFrame so I can include both pieces of functionality onto 1 page but using 2 different controller actions to handle it.



	use yii\widgets\Pjax;



<?php Pjax::begin(); ?>

	<?php echo $this->render("/sign-in/create"); ?>

<?php Pjax::end(); ?>

Why does it not work?

No answer to this?

I am basically wondering how to load a section of the page by ajax the Yii way?

What doesnt work? If you want to load something else …you need to have a link to call the login