Problem with accessRules expression

Hello, i can’t make it work.

If the expression is true, the access is denied, but if is false, the access is granted .

Is this the normal behavior ?

 public function accessRules() {

        return array(

            array('allow ',

                'actions' => array( 'admin', 'index' ),


              //  'expression' => ' 1===1 '

                'expression' => '  Yii::app()->controller->checkAccess()'



            array('deny', // deny all other actions

                'users' => array('?'),




    public function checkAccess() {

        return 1===1;

        $item_name = Yii::app()->controller->id.".".Yii::app()->controller->action->id;

        //return Yii::app()->user->checkAccess($item_name);


you can use this:


    public function goToLogin() {

         // redirect to link login 


    public function checkAccess() {

        return Yii::app()->user->isAdmin;


    public function accessRules() {

        return array(


                'allow', // Allow all exec action login

                'actions' => array('login'),

                'users' => array('*'),


            array('allow', // Alow If the expression is true

                  'users' => array('@'),

                  'expression' => array($this, 'checkAccess'),


            array('deny', // deny all users

                  'users' => array('*'),

                  'deniedCallback' => array($this, 'goToLogin'),





thanks. Found the problem.

array('allow ', have a empty space in allow