How to init module in controller?

My situation:

I have an extension in vendor, installed by composer. I want to use model from this extension in my controller:


namespace ext\products\models

use ext\products\Module

 ... rules() ...

 ['name', 'match', 'pattern' => Module::getInstance()->pattern],


in my controller:

use ext\products\model\Product;

$product = new Product();

// some code to fill Product model;


and got an error:

Trying to get property of non-object

on Module::getInstance()->pattern line.

If I add module product to config bootstrap section - all works fine. But I don’t want to init this “big” module all over the site. Is it a method to init module inside only one controller/action? I’ll try to use new \ext\products\Modul() and init(), but have an error with yii\base\Module (from parent();) ‘$this->controllerNamespace’ undefined. I think, this is the context problem issue.