Create Rules

I have a Yii2 with Yii2 admin and AdminLTE installed.

My problem is I don’t know how to create rules, actually I don’t know how to define the Class Name. Where “Classes” should be defined? How can I see which Classes do I have or add Classes?

Thanks for your help.

Use gii tool to generate code,

First create model of your table and then create crud.

Rules are defined in model class at


Yii2 guide Link to generate model and CRUD operation

Thanks for your answer but for example, I added the yii2-admin

but now that I go to my manager users page it says access not permitted so I guess that I have to give permission to access that page but I don’t know how to add the rule class for that.

I’m using for the user management.

Hi, i have the same problem, i already create a model named frontend/models/TblTipoevento

so what i have to type on rules form of yii2-admin? i’m typing

Name: TipoEvento

Class name: TblTipoevento

still get messange “Unknown class ‘TblTipoevento’”

pd: sorry for my bad english :D