[solved] dropDownList add value to "prompt"?

Hi Guys!

Just for understanding:

Is is possible to add a default value to the "prompt" of a DropDownList?

If yes - what is the correct way?

For example I have:

echo Html::dropDownList(




        1 => 'Item 1',

        2 => 'Item 2',

        3 => 'Item 3',


    ['prompt' => 'Select Item']	


I tried for example:

echo Html::dropDownList(




        1 => 'Item 1',

        2 => 'Item 2',

        3 => 'Item 3',



        'prompt' => [

            'label' => 'Select Category', 

            'value' => 'promtValue'




But prompt seems to accept only a string?

Is there a way to add a default value to a prompt?

Or do I have to do something like:

echo Html::dropDownList(




      ['promtValue' => 'please select'], 


        1 => 'Item 1',

        2 => 'Item 2',

        3 => 'Item 3',




What is the proposed "correct" way?

Thanks and best regards

There is no way of doing it without creating your own method for dropdown rendering or extending Html::renderSelectOptions.

The easiest solution is just to add first selectable option to $items array with the value you want as a prompt message.

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Okay I understand.

Thank you very much.