Yii, SQL query for matching multiple values in the same column

Hi… I need to fetch multi values on same column… I don’t know how to fetch it from YII?

I need the data x,y,a,b from following table?

How to fetch from sql query in YII criteria?


id name designation  status

1   x      RJ         Active

2   y      VJ         Active

3   z      RJ         Pending

4   a      VJ         Active

5   b      VJ         Active

Something like this?

$dataInput = 'RJ & VJ';

$arrInput = explode(' & ', $dataInput);

$cr = new CDbCriteria();

foreach($arrInput as $i)


    $cr->addCondition('designation = "'.$$i.'"');


$items = Destination::model()->findAll($cr);

Thanks… But its not workout in my criteria. Anything else?

Post code where you make criteria.

I Tried the way what u said, but it shows undefined Variable RJ

How is it possible to declare it?

I need the data x,y,a,b from following table?

How to fetch from sql query in YII criteria?


id name designation  status

1   x      RJ         Active

2   y      VJ         Active

3   z      RJ         Pending

4   a      VJ         Active

5   b      VJ         Active

There was an error, $$i instead $i

$dataInput = 'RJ & VJ';

$arrInput = explode(' & ', $dataInput);

$cr = new CDbCriteria();

foreach($arrInput as $i)


    $cr->addCondition('designation = "'.$i.'"');


$items = Destination::model()->findAll($cr);

echo count($items)= 0

Hi… I got a solution for this,

        $criteria = new CDbCriteria();

        $rj='RJ'; $vj='VJ';

        $criteria->condition = "(destination =:rdestination OR destination =:vdestination) AND status =:status ";

        $criteria->params = array(':rdestination'=>$rj,':vdestination'=>$vj,':status'=>'Active',);

        $records = test::model()->findAll($criteria);