[SOLVED] cgridview filter custom related field

I need some guidance in the right direction.

I have two models, Submissions and Participant.

In Participant I define a custom field FullName which is a combination of FirstName and LastName

The Participant model:

	private $FullName;

	public function rules()



			array('FullName, Username, ... ', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),



	public function getFullName()


		return $this->FirstName." ".$this->LastName;


	public function setFullName($value)


		$this->FullName = $value;


In Submissions, I have a ParticipantID field that links Participant, and I want to display all submissions in a grid which has the FullName column, and which should be filterable.

The Submissions model:

	private $FullName;

	public function relations()


		return array(

			'participant' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Participant', 'ParticipantID'),



	public function search()



		if (isset($_GET['Add']['FullName']))


    	//$criteria->compare('participant.FirstName', $this->FullName);



	public function getFullName()


		if ($this->FullName === null && $this->participant !== null) {

    		$this->FullName = $this->participant->FullName;


		return $this->FullName;


	public function setFullName($value)


		$this->FullName = $value;


and in the admin view file I have:













			'header'=>'Full Name',


			'value'=>'(isset($data->FullName))?$data->FullName:"Not Specified"',



If I have the following line in the search function of the admin view file, then the search does not work,


		$criteria->compare('participant.FirstName', $this->FullName);


and I have tried various scenarios but can’t seem to get the filtering to work.

Here’s one way to get this to work: In your Participant class, you can remove the $fullname property. Then in your Submissions class, change $FullName to public (I would also name it something else to be more specific and less confusing. $searchFullname maybe?. I’ll stick with what you are using for now) and mark that as a safe attribute in your rules method. You could also remove the getter and setter functions for FullName in your Submissions class, I don’t think those are needed.

Next, in your search() method, you have to join the 2 tables with CDbCriteria::with():

// Eager load the participant table

$criteria->with = 'participant';

Now use a mysql string function to combine the 2 name fields into one, the same way you are building a participant’s full name in your getter class. Do a compare against that using your Submissions class’ $FullName property:

$criteria->compare('CONCAT_WS(" ", participant.FirstName, participant.LastName)', $this->fullname, true);

Finally for the view file, just add your Submission class’ $fullname property as a column and set the appropriate value:







                        'name' => 'FullName',

                        'value'=> function($data) { 

							return $data->participant->getFullName();





You eager loading Participant in your search method should allow you to skip making multiple participant queries for every row.

The following error is thrown by the function above:

[b]Fatal error[/b]:  Call to a member function getFullName() on a non-object in [b]/var/www/plantekey/protected/views/add/admin.php[/b]

thanks for the help!!

got it to work by updating the following line

'value'=> function($data) { 

				return $data->participant->getFullName();



'value'=> function($data) { 

				return $data->getFullName();
