Yii2 theme adminlte

I am learning yii2 and have installed yii2 - advanced app and integrated yii2-user module by amnah.

Now I want to apply bootstrap theme adminlte.

  1. Created folder "adminlte" at yii2advanced\backend\web\themes

  2. Kept my required folder views, css, js, images in "adminlte"

  3. Changed backend config file and added below in components

 'view' => [

            'theme' => [

                'pathMap' => ['@app/views' => '@app/themes/adminlte/views'],

                'baseUrl' => '@web',



  1. Added this in backend, AppAsset.php

public $css = ['themes/adminlte/css/AdminLTE.css'];

    public $js = ['themes/adminlte/js/AdminLTE/app.js'];

There is also a "views" folder at location yii2advanced/backend

Issue is, The view file is not getting overridden. App is using layout file located at yii2advanced\backend\views\layouts\main.php instead of yii2advanced\backend\web\themes\adminlte\views\layouts\main.php

  • Can anyone help what i am doing wrong ?? Need to setup theme for backend. The baseurl is not including themes/adminlte in it.

  • is themes folder placed at correct location ?

Thank you in advanceā€¦