Yii2 advanced app, backend unreachable

Hi all,

I just come back to Yii. And i installed Yii advanced app. run the init…etc

I configure my apache and finally i’m able to get the http://yii-application.dev which loads me the frontend/web

But i’m completly stuck with backend/web.

This backend is unreachable. I get a 404 when Alias is not set, and Forbidden when Alias in VirtualHost is set

this is my apache virtual host:

<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot "C:\Users\Patrick\Documents\Travail\wamp\www\yii-application\frontend\web"

    ServerName yii-application.dev

    ServerAlias yii-application.dev

    #Alias /backend /www/yii-application/backend/web


Thanks for your help

OK i found:

Just was a misconfig in the apache and wrong rewrite base in .htaccess

So Solution is to set an Alias. And remove the .htaccess in backend/web or at least making a good one :wink:

<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot "C:\Users\Patrick\Documents\Travail\wamp\www\yii-application\frontend\web"

    ServerName yii-application.dev

    ServerAlias yii-application.dev

    Alias /backend "C:\Users\Patrick\Documents\Travail\wamp\www\yii-application\backend\web"
