Captcha custom template, how to get {error} into the widget's template

Hello everyone,

I have the following piece of code

There would be the captcha image, the input for the captcha, and the error for when the captcha is wrong.

$addCommentForm->field($addComment, 'verifyCode',

    ['template'=>'{input}<div class="row"><div class="large-12 columns">{error}</div></div>']


    [ 'template' => '<div class="row"><div class="large-6 columns">{image}</div><div class="large-6 columns">{input}</div></div>' ])


is there any way to use the {error} inside the template for the Captcha widget, i need to have something like

[ 'template' => '<div class="row"><div class="large-6 columns">{image}</div><div class="large-6 columns">{input}{error}</div></div>' ]
