Not able to select the values in yii2 extension depdrop

Hi DepDrop works fine. But When trying to select from the drop down I can’t select any thing, but I can see Strings some empty spaces


Did you find the solution to this issue? can you please help i am having the same issue.



I used it and works fine, I don’t understand your problem.

I am also having the exact same problem. It is just showing empty strings.

Did you find a solution?

Never mind, for others, your select sql must have columns id, name.

If your database has id, first_name, you must select as:

select id, first_name as name from…

The DepDrop extension looks for columns id and name, nothing else.

Actually, with the latest update of the extension you can now choose to set the idParam and nameParam plugin properties within DepDrop::pluginOptions, if you are wanting to return parameters differently named than id and name.

Check the plugin documentation for learning about these options.