Yii2 MaskedInput, phone and countrycode set via javascript


I’m trying to setup a form that has a field that will contain a phone number

The part that’s not working is that the user is able to delete the country code while inputing phone number.

What i wan’t to do is define the phone country code via javascript based on another field containing the country.

In the form i have the following:

   <?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>


    $form->field($model, 'country_id')->widget(Select2::classname(), [

        'data' => ArrayHelper::map(Countries::find()->select(['id', 'name'])->orderBy('name')->asArray()->all(), 'id', 'name'),

        'options' => ['placeholder' => Yii::t('app', 'Select a country ...')],

        'pluginOptions' => [

            'allowClear' => true






    if ($model->isNewRecord)

        echo $form->field($model, 'office_number')->widget(MaskedInput::classname(), [

            'clientOptions' => [

                'alias' => 'phone',

                'url' => Url::to(['/stuff/phone-codes.json']),

                'countrycode' => '',                




        echo $form->field($model, 'office_number', ['addon' => ['prepend' => ['content' => $model->country->phone_country_code]]])->widget(MaskedInput::classname(), [

            'clientOptions' => [

                'alias' => 'phone',

                'url' => Url::to(['/stuff/phone-codes.json']),

                'countrycode' => $model->country->phone_country_code,

                'nojumpsThreshold' => strlen($model->country->phone_country_code)







    $('#" . Html::getInputId($model, "country_id") . "').on('change',function(e) {

        if(e.val != ''){


                'url': '" . Url::to('/countries/getphonecountrycode') . "',

                'data': {'id':e.val},

                'success': function(data) {

                    json = $.parseJSON(data);

                    if(json.status == 'success') {



                        $('#" . Html::getInputId($model, "office_number") . "').val(json.phone_country_code);

                        $('#" . Html::getInputId($model, "office_number") . "').inputmask('phone',{

                            'url': '". Url::to(['/stuff/phone-codes.json'])."',

                            'countrycode': json.phone_country_code,

                            'nojumps': true,

                            'nojumpsThreshold': json.phone_country_code.length+1


                        $('#" . Html::getInputId($model, "fax_number") . "').val(json.phone_country_code);

                        $('#" . Html::getInputId($model, "fax_number") . "').inputmask({'mask': json.field_mask});





