Issue on where paremeter

Hey everyone , i am using yii2 in my project.

Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code ? i followed the docs.

			$words = explode(' ', $search);

			$where = false;

			if (is_array($words) && !empty($words)) 


				foreach ($words as $key => $w)


					if ($w == '') continue;

					$filters.= $where ? ' AND ( ' : ' WHERE ( ';

					$filters.= " LOWER(unaccent( LIKE LOWER(unaccent('% :a" . $key . "%'))";

					$filters.= " OR LOWER(unaccent( LIKE LOWER(unaccent('% :a" . $key . "%'))";

					$filters.= " OR LOWER(unaccent( LIKE LOWER(unaccent('% :a" . $key . "%'))";

					$filters.= " OR LOWER(unaccent(account.street_address)) LIKE LOWER(unaccent('% :a" . $key . "%'))";

					$filters.= " OR LOWER(unaccent(account.street_address2)) LIKE LOWER(unaccent('% :a" . $key . "%'))";

					$filters.= " OR LOWER(unaccent(account.postal_code)) LIKE LOWER(unaccent('% :a" . $key . "%'))";

					$filters.= " OR LOWER(unaccent( LIKE LOWER(unaccent('% :a" . $key . "%'))";

					$filters.= " OR LOWER(unaccent( LIKE LOWER(unaccent('% :a" . $key . "%'))";

					$filters.= " OR LOWER(unaccent(account.region)) LIKE LOWER(unaccent('% :a" . $key . "%'))";

					$filters.= ' ) ';

					$fields[':' . $key] = $w;

					if (!$where) $where = true;




			$accounts = Account::find()



				->where( $filters )

				->addParams( $fields )


				->orderBy('count(service) DESC')


This return the following error:

Invalid parameter number: 0