direct edit in CGridView

I tried to make direct edit possible in CGridView in a simple way as described in this posting.

I wrapped a form around the CGridView.

The form input fields are displayed in the grid view. I created a submit Button. But Yii does not save the changed values because they are not submitted in the $_POST Array. I don’t find out , why they are not submitted.

Code snippet of the view:

<form name="editableGridForm" method="post" action="index.php?r=noten/editableGrid;"> <?php

    $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(














    echo CHtml::submitButton('Änderungen speichern');



The input fields are created with this function in the model:

public function getInputField($fieldName) {

   return CActiveForm::textField($this,$fieldName,array("name"=>"Noten[".$this->Id."][".$fieldName."]"));


The Controller code:

public function actionEditableGrid() {

  $model=new Noten('search');

  $notenData = $model->search();

  if (isset($_POST['Noten']) ) {

      foreach( $notenData->data as $i=>$item ) {

         if(isset($_POST['Noten'][$i])) {


             if ( $item->validate() and $item->save() ) 







I checked out, that the save function of the model is called by my code, I am redirected to the admin page. But it seems that the submitted values in $_POST[‘Noten’][$i] are not the new values. I don’t understand, why the old values are submitted. >:(


by firebug, console tab, check value of $_POST that see what happens

There were some bugs in the code. Here is the corrected code. I also added some improvements.

It is necessary to pass the row number of the gridView, this is the variable $row, to the function in the model:

<form name="editableGridForm" method="post" action="index.php?r=noten/editableGrid;"> <?php

    $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(














    echo CHtml::submitButton('Änderungen speichern');



The input fields are created with a function in the model. HtmlOptions can also be commited:

public function getInputField($fieldName,$row,$options=array()) {

  return CActiveForm::textField($this,$fieldName,





The Controller code. Now the redirection command is on the right place.

public function actionEditableGrid() {

  $model=new Noten('search');

  $notenData = $model->search();

  if (isset($_POST['Noten']) ) {

      foreach( $notenData->data as $i=>$item ) {

         if(isset($_POST['Noten'][$i])) {


             if ( $item->validate() ) $item->save() ) 







Now direct input in CGridView is working.

[color="#222222"][size=“2”]unfortunately this solution doesn’t save edited data of my grig, may i have some help?[/size][/color]

  • View name: admin
  • Model name: Timesheet
  • Controller name: TimesheetController

[color="#222222"][size="2"]Thanks in advance.[/size][/color]


<form name="editableGridForm" method="post" action="editableGrid"> <?php




                                    //'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'list-group'),






                                                'headerHtmlOptions' => array('width'=>'650px'),








                                echo CHtml::submitButton('salva',array('class' => 'btn btn-success'));




public function getInputField($fieldName, $row, $options = array()) {

            return CActiveForm::textField($this, $fieldName, 

                    array_merge(array("name" => "Timesheet[" . $row . "][" . $fieldName . "]"), $options)




public function actionEditableGrid() {

        $model=new Timesheet('search');

        $notenData = $model->search();


        if (isset($_POST['Timesheet']) ) {

            foreach( $notenData->data as $i=>$item ) {

                if(isset($_POST['Timesheet'][$i])) {








It’s a long time ago that I worked with this project, so I hardly can remember what I have done …

May be you have forgotten to define an access rule for the action editableGrid in the controller?

public function accessRules() {

   return array(





Hi Ferdinand you’re right!!! thanks a lot