How To Define Dependable Fixtures Without Using Concrete Values Of Foreign Keys?

I have two tables: user and profile. Each user has only one profile. So each profile related to some user, so profile’s fixture depends on user’s fixture. I need the fixtures for both these tables to test profile related functionality.

In article Yii 2.0 Guide: Fixtures I found this:

Is there any way to define ProfileFixture and link it with UserFixture without using concrete values of primary keys (in UserFixture) and foreign keys (in ProfileFixture)? Something like this:



return [

    'user1' => [

        'username' => 'johnsmith',

        'email' => '',

        'password' => '$2y$13$WSyE5hHsG1rWN2jV8LRHzubilrCLI5Ev/iK0r3jRuwQEs2ldRu.a2',




return [

    'user1profile' => [

        'user_id' => 'user1',

        'full_name' => 'John Smith',



Of course, I might use concrete values of fields ‘id’ and ‘user_id’ in my data files. But is there any other way?

Solved this way:



return [

    'user1' => [

        'username' => 'johnsmith',

        'email' => '',

        'password' => '$2y$13$WSyE5hHsG1rWN2jV8LRHzubilrCLI5Ev/iK0r3jRuwQEs2ldRu.a2',




return [

    'user1profile' => [

        'user_id' => User::findOne(['username'=>'johnsmith'])->id,

        'full_name' => 'John Smith',



Note: User is AR-model for users table, and username is unique identifier of user.


What is your set up for fixtures ?

When I run yii fixture User I get a Error: The template path "@tests/unit/templates/fixtures" does not exist


i use this solution

namespace tests\unit\fixtures;

use Codeception\Util\Fixtures;
use yii\test\ActiveFixture;

 * Class
class ClientContactFixture extends ActiveFixture
    public $modelClass = ClientContact::class;

    public function load(): void
        Fixtures::add(self::class, $this->data);


namespace tests\unit\fixtures;

use yii\test\ActiveFixture;

 * Class
class ClientContactAgreementFixture extends ActiveFixture
    public $modelClass = ClientContactAgreement::class;

    public $depends = [

//data file

use Codeception\Util\Fixtures;
use tests\unit\fixtures\ClientContactFixture;

$clientContacts = Fixtures::get(ClientContactFixture::class);

return [
    'ClientContactAgreement-1' => [
        'client_contact_id' => $clientContacts['ClientContact-1']['id'],
        'value' => 1,