Display Error Message Ajax Request

hello, I have problem to display error message from ajax request, here is my code :

<?php echo CHtml::ajaxButton ("Proses", CController::createUrl('tool/prosesTutupBukuCabang'),


						 'update' => '#data_tutupBukuCabang',

                         'data'=> array('periodeBulan' => 'js:document.getElementById("periodeBulanCabang").value',

										'periodeTahun' => 'js:document.getElementById("periodeTahunCabang").value',),






							$("#data_tutupBukuCabang").show( "slow" ).delay(3000);







after ajaxButton click, it’s process results error but I don’t know how to show the error messages.

Your return JSON Array???

no, my return is text

then just write error function like this -


        alert("An error has occurred. "+err);


thank you, but err return object. but, it works after I append .responseText so alert("An error has occurred. "+err.responseText );

Your welcome…