Creating And Saving Relational Data

I have a quick beginners question.

Is this the right way to deal with two models and one form in yii2 also?

Or to be more precise, with two models that are related with hasMany.


I have tried this but I get error

Call to a member function formName() on a non-object

This is in my form

<?= $form->field($model->translations, 'title')->textInput(['maxlength' => 8]) ?>

And this is in my model

public function getTranslations()


    return $this->hasMany(Translation::className(), ['article_id' => 'id']);


Can someone help me? I’m stuck with this… :frowning:

I’m not sure about what are you trying to achieve. If you would like to select related model (by using Drop-down List) you might need something like this:

<?= $form->field($model, 'article_id')->dropDownList(ArrayHelper::map(Translation::find()->all(), 'id', 'name')) ?>

I have two tables, article and translation. They are related in Article model like this

public function getTranslations()


    return $this->hasMany(Translation::className(), ['article_id' => 'id']);


Now, when creating new article I have some fields that I insert into article table, but also have few fields that I need to insert into translation table.

I would like to do this with one form.

So you need to have 2 models,one for Translation and one for Articles.

Is that the right way?

In my controller I currently have

    public function actionKret()


        $model = new Article;

        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {

            return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);

        } else {

            return $this->render('kret', [

                'model' => $model,

                //'translation' => $translation,




And in my form


<?= $form->field($model, 'upvote')->textInput(['maxlength' => 8]) ?>

<?= $form->field($model, 'translations[title]')->textInput(['maxlength' => 8])->label('Title') ?>

<?= $form->field($model, 'translations[slug]')->textInput(['maxlength' => 8])->label('Slug') ?>


Dont’ think so…maybe something more like this:

public function actionKret()


        $modelArticle = new Article;

         $modelTranslation = new Translation;

        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {

            return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);

        } else {

            return $this->render('kret', [

                'modelArticle' => $model,

                'modelTranslation' => $translation,




and then


<?= $form->field($modelArticle, 'upvote')->textInput(['maxlength' => 8]) ?>

<?= $form->field($modelTranslation, 'title')->textInput(['maxlength' => 8])->label('Title') ?>

<?= $form->field($modelTranslation, 'slug')->textInput(['maxlength' => 8])->label('Slug') ?>


Then ofcourse you have to do 2 saves, maybe…


$modelTranslation->articileID = $modelArticle->id; // just a guess for the names


Hm, okay.

I thought that in Yii2 this will be handled somehow automatically with

public function getTranslations()


    return $this->hasMany(Translation::className(), ['article_id' => 'id']);


OK, thanks :slight_smile: