Ajax Refresh? Or Different Engineering.


I am having a struggling issue with the following tables, I’ll simplify to focus on the issue.

Person (table)

  • id (primary key)

  • first name

  • last name

[size=2]Plan (table)[/size]

  • id (primary key)

  • description

  • months

  • rate

Credit (table)

  • id (primary key)

  • description

  • requester (foreign key of Person)

  • credit value

  • plan (foreign key of Plan)

Now the issue comes when I generate (using GII) the CREATE function.

Everything is fine but when I choose the plan (the dropdown is ok and works perfectly) I would like to retrieve the fields "months" and "rate" and show them just after the dropdown value of the plan has been selected.

Is there a way to refresh just after the value has been selected or am I wrong an dneed to think in a different way ?

Any suggestion is welcome.

