Comparator 'equals' In Querybuilder

There are many comparators in QueryBuilder, but I can’t find simple ‘equals’ (x = y).

In all tutorials on www [including doc-2.0] is this code to compare column and value:

$query->andFilterWhere(['something' => $someValue]);

And this code to compare with other comparators:

$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'something', $someValue]);

When I try:

$query->andFilterWhere(['=', 'something', $someValue]);


$query->andFilterWhere(['equals', 'something', $someValue]);

It throws exception.

How my code looks now:

class Xyz extends ActiveRecord {


	public static function fieldsSearchConfig() {

    	return [

    		'name' => 'like',

    		'license_id' => '='




	public function getActiveQuery($params) {

    	$activeQuery = WiatrakiX::find()->with('nazwaMiasta');

    	if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {

    		return $activeQuery;



    	foreach(self::fieldsSearchConfig() as $fieldName => $fieldComparator) {


    		if($fieldComparator == '=') {

    			$condition = [$fieldName => $this->$fieldName];

    		} else {

    			$condition = [$fieldComparator,  $fieldName, $this->$fieldName];



    		if(self::$searchType == self::SEARCH_AND) {


    		} else {






How it should be:

class Xyz extends ActiveRecord {


	public static function fieldsSearchConfig() {

    	return [

    		'name' => 'like',

    		'license_id' => '='



	public function getActiveQuery($params) {

    	$activeQuery = WiatrakiX::find()->with('nazwaMiasta');

    	if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {

    		return $activeQuery;



    	foreach(self::fieldsSearchConfig() as $fieldName => $fieldComparator) {

    		$condition = [$fieldComparator,  $fieldName, $this->$fieldName];

    		if(self::$searchType == self::SEARCH_AND) {


    		} else {






Is there any way to make it works nice (and I’m just stupid/blind) or I must wait for Yii2 update?

Second question:

Are you going to add features from some Yii2 extensions [Editable Grid, DynaGrid] to final release or you want keep them as extensions?

Editable and dynagrid will be extensions.

Why don’t you like the following?

$query->andFilterWhere(['something' => $someValue]);

Of course it’s very useful to make code shorter ( [‘x’ => ‘y’] format) when you just want add some simple limitation for your query.

I think that there should be also possibility to use it with ‘3 arguments array format’ [‘equals’ comparator], because as you can see in my first post it’s not nice code when you need to generate filters dynamically.


Of course for me and you it’s very simple to understand what that code does and why, but in 2 months I will leave my current project and someone else will continue it. I’m sure he will ask himself “why is there that ‘if() {} else {}’, couldn’t he make it easier?”

OK, makes sense. Can you add it as an issue to github?

I’ve added: