Checking Db For Entry

I found couple examples online, how to add criteria to Yii model(), but I cant figure out why mine doesnt work. It just makes new entry in db, but I want if an entry exists with have specific zoneID and carID to update it. All $_POST variables are valid since I cant save a new entry.

function actionSaveZone()


            $criteria=new CDbCriteria();

            $criteria->condition = 'car_type_zones_id=:zoneID AND car_type_view_id=:carID';

            $criteria->params = array(':zoneID'=>$_POST['zoneID'], ':carID'=>$_POST['carID']);

            if( EeCarTypeViewPoints::model()->exists($criteria))


                $model = EeCarTypeViewPoints::model()->findByAttributes( array('car_type_zones_id'=>$_POST['zoneID'],'car_type_view_id'=>$_POST['carID']));




                $model = new EeCarTypeViewPoints;


            $model->car_type_view_id = $_POST['carTypeID'];

            $model->car_type_zones_id = $_POST['zoneID'];

            $model->car_type_view_point_coord = $_POST['coords'];

            $model->car_type_id = $_POST['carID'];



Where is my mistake here?

Moved from General Discussion for Yii 2.0 to General Discussion for Yii 1.1.x.

This is a strange approach. You’re not even using the CDbCriteria to fetch the model.

Fetch the model with the CDbCriteria, then make your changes and save that model:

function actionSaveZone()


            $criteria=new CDbCriteria();

            $criteria->condition = 'car_type_zones_id=:zoneID AND car_type_view_id=:carID';

            $criteria->params = array(':zoneID'=>$_POST['zoneID'], ':carID'=>$_POST['carID']);

            $model = EeCarTypeViewPoints::model()->find($criteria);

            if ($model === null)

                    $model = new EeCarTypeViewPoints;

            $model->car_type_view_id = $_POST['carTypeID'];

            $model->car_type_zones_id = $_POST['zoneID'];

            $model->car_type_view_point_coord = $_POST['coords'];

            $model->car_type_id = $_POST['carID'];



If you’re not successfully retrieving and updating the model, there’s something wrong the criteria you’re using.

Nevertheless, you should look through the Yii Guide for better ways of handling forms.


In fact, you don’t even need the criteria, just use findByAttributes() and get rid of the initial existence check.

function actionSaveZone()


            $model = EeCarTypeViewPoints::model()->findByAttributes(array(




            if ($model === null)

                    $model = new EeCarTypeViewPoints;

            $model->car_type_view_id = $_POST['carTypeID'];

            $model->car_type_zones_id = $_POST['zoneID'];

            $model->car_type_view_point_coord = $_POST['coords'];

            $model->car_type_id = $_POST['carID'];



Thank you so much, you are my hero, for sure will check out that guide.