Render Typeahead Widget Via Ajax

I Have use Typeahead’s Kartik

but i render the widget via ajax

and the js script not sending to my view (_form.php)


<div class="divForTypeahead"></div>


Html::a('Add Widget', NULL , 


     id' => 'addWidget', 

     'onclick' => 'addWidget();'

]) ?>

<script type="text/javascript" >

    function addWidget()




            'data': $(this).serialize(),











<?= kartik\widgets\Typeahead::widget([

                        'name' => 'state_10',

                        'dataset' => [


                                'prefetch' => '/product/product-list',






public function actionAddWidget()


 if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax) {

   return \yii\helpers\Json::encode([

        'div' => $this->renderPartial('_addTypeAhead')




when i click "Add Widget"

<div class="divForTypeahead"></div> <-- html will update, but jquery is not runinng