Xupload Extension Using Get Url Error

hlo everybody i am using XUpload (Yii 1.1: XUpload Workflow) extension but in this extension there was no XUploadForm file was given so i am using this form which i given below


class XUploadForm extends CFormModel


public $file;

public $mime_type;

public $size;

public $name;


  • Declares the validation rules.

  • The rules state that username and password are required,

  • and password needs to be authenticated.


public function rules()


return array(

array(‘file’, ‘file’),




  • Declares attribute labels.


public function attributeLabels()


return array(

‘file’=>‘Upload files’,



public function getReadableFileSize($retstring = null) {

// adapted from code at http://aidanlister.c…ze_readable.php

$sizes = array(‘bytes’, ‘kB’, ‘MB’, ‘GB’, ‘TB’, ‘PB’, ‘EB’, ‘ZB’, ‘YB’);

if ($retstring === null) { $retstring = ‘%01.2f %s’; }

$lastsizestring = end($sizes);

foreach ($sizes as $sizestring) {

if ($this->size < 1024) { break; }

if ($sizestring != $lastsizestring) { $this->size /= 1024; }


if ($sizestring == $sizes[0]) { $retstring = ‘%01d %s’; } // Bytes aren’t normally fractional

return sprintf($retstring, $this->size, $sizestring);




but i have problem i am getting error that XUploadForm.url is undefined.

please help me. i didn’t understand where is the problem

and also can anybody tell me XUploadForm.php and XuploadAction.php files