after edit back to right page

Hello guys,

can you bring in some idea. i need a solution for the following problemm.

i have implmented CPagination. Imagine you’re on page 6, click on the edit button to edit a record. After you’re done editing you push the apply butten to save the record. After the apply you click on the save button… but that wil send you to the records page 1 insted of page 6…

what is the best idea to return to page 6 with the results?

Start position >> post/list/page/6.html

click on edit >> post/edit/id/12.html

click on apply >> post/edit/id/12.html

click on apply >> post/edit/id/12.html

click on save >> post/list/page/6.html instead of post/list.html

Send the current page number GET parameter to the form, store it in a hidden element, and then redirect to the page after the form is validated and saved, using the hidden page number.