Multiselect Widget Preloaded Checked Values?


does anyone have a working example of preselected values in the multiselect button?

ie have an array and show those items as checked.

I am using 2amigos multi select widget



I also could not make this works…

Bu using kartik/select2 it’s working without any problem

Thanks for the note. After a couple days of trying i gave up and created my own version with checkboxes and jquery. Bit of a learning process but now its working.

The expected value for $selected is array, or string matching EXACTLY one of the options.

   $attrs['selected'] = $selection !== null &&

                        (!is_array($selection) && !strcmp($key, $selection)

                        || is_array($selection) && in_array($key, $selection));

   $lines[] = static::tag('option', str_replace(' ', ' ', static::encode($value)), $attrs);

A workaround is to create a method in your model getValueAsArray() and set ‘attribute’ => ‘valueAsArray’;.

After that handle it manually on submit … and no idea how the validation can work.