Yii Criteria Condition Not Working Sql Error

$criteria->condition .= 'UserID = '.$userId.' UNION


    SELECT * FROM display WHERE 

    UserID IN 


        SELECT DISTINCT UserID FROM lkusergroup WHERE 

        GroupID IN


            SELECT GroupID FROM lkusergroup WHERE UserID = '.$userId.'




i m trying to execute above code but getting following error

    CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[21000]: 

Cardinality violation: 1222 The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns. The SQL statement executed was:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `display` `t` WHERE UserID = 2 UNION


        SELECT * FROM display WHERE

        UserID IN


        SELECT DISTINCT UserID FROM lkusergroup WHERE

        GroupID IN


        SELECT GroupID FROM lkusergroup WHERE UserID = 2




why query generating count(*) this is the actual issue. i tried may way to solve this error bt failed any suggestions ?

I suspect that it’s being generated to calculate the total number of rows that a grid view’s filters return. What specifically are you trying to do?