
This is the forum for the yii2-nav-x extension for Yii framework 2.0

that allows you to render Bootstrap Nav widget with drilldown submenu. Check documentation and demos.

Is there any way to pass a class to the ul .dropdown-menu element? I would like to add another class to it so it it looks like this: -

<ul class="downdown-menu myclass">

Hi there! How can I set the width of submenus? I got too wide text in submenu item like this:

And here is the code:

            $items[]=['label' => 'Управление товарами', 'active' => $active, 'items' => [

                ['label' => 'Группы', 'url' => ['/item-group/index']],

                ['label' => 'Номенклатура', 'url' => ['/nomenclature/index']],

                ['label' => 'Товары',  'url' => ['/item/index'],

                'items' => [['label' => 'Добавить товар с номенклатурой', 'url'=> ['/item/addWithNomenclature']],

                    ['label' => 'Добавить товар с номенклатурой 2', 'url'=> ['/item/addWithNomenclature']]]


                ['label' => 'Поставщики', 'url' => ['/manufacturer/index']],

                ['label' => 'Товарооборот', 'url' => ['/operation/index']],


    echo NavX::widget([

        'options' => ['class' => 'navbar-nav navbar-right'],

        'items' => $items,

