Add Css To Label In Yii Booster


Can any one suggest me how to add CSS for a Table.

As in the Example

<span id="Zone_status">

&lt;label class=&quot;radio&quot;&gt;

	&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;Zone[status]&quot; value=&quot;1&quot; id=&quot;Zone_status_0&quot; class=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Enable&lt;/label&gt;

&lt;label class=&quot;radio&quot;&gt;

	&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;Zone[status]&quot; value=&quot;0&quot; id=&quot;Zone_status_1&quot; class=&quot;true&quot;&gt;Disable&lt;/label&gt;


Here the class added to <input> tab , but i want to add to <label> tab ,can any one did this.?

i have used Yii Booster


       echo &#036;form-&gt;radioButtonListRow(&#036;model, 'status', 


                array('class' =&gt; 'true')



It looks like you can only do that externaly

<div class="true">


           echo $form->radioButtonListRow($model, 'status', 





is there any chance of htmlOption in this

Not according to the docs. Maybe in Yii2.