Back-End Page Or Dashboard In Yii Based Sites?

Hi, Is there anyone who can help me?

I want an admin page on my website that I able to access it via the following URL for example:

I Googled and I’ve looked at a lot of results:

This Link

and This Link

and This Link

and This Link

But I’ve yet to find a simple and practical solution. Can anyone help me in creating the admin page?

On small sites I prefer using modules. In this case module name would be ‘admin’.

How to create a module? I am a new.

Do gii can create a new module? There are a link for generate module. can i use it?

Hi[font="Arial"][size="2"] [/size][/font][font="Arial"][size="2"]Masoud Sawari[/size][/font]

first create a new module(like named admin ) using gii, it will go the modules folder

Thanks, i do that but this is the first step. What must I do then? What are the other steps to create admin module? how to limit Administrator users to access admin module?

yes u can make separate login for admin, as u hv done at front end(as I think), there is also site controller, u can write your authentication rules there.

to manage the user…and its role folow this Rbac link this is very helpful…

click here

I’ll try to do it but before that i need to create controllers, models and views in admin module. Thanks again for your guide.