CJuiTab with ajax

I’m using 960 grid system with the CJuiTab. It is rendering correctly if I put my code in a static string, but if I call the same code (creating the same string) using an ajax call it renders the page wrong.

HomeInline renders correctly.

Home renders incorrectly because the div it is creating is not pulling from the contentTemplate.

(Note: I changed the inline code to use ul links instead, but it was using the same code)


<div class=grid_4 alpha>


		<li><?php echo CHtml::link("test",array("/site/test")); ?></li>



<div class=grid_4>


		<li><?php echo CHtml::link("test",array("/site/test")); ?></li>



<div class=grid_4 omega>


		<li><?php echo CHtml::link("test",array("/site/test")); ?></li>



<div class="grid_12">

<?php $home="

	<div class=\"grid_8 alpha\">





	<div class=\"grid_4\">





	<div class=\"grid_4 omega\">






<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs',array(





	'contentTemplate'=>"<div class=\"grid_12\" id=\"{id}\">{content}</div><div class=\"clear\">&nbsp;</div>",

)); ?>



<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>

When I view the output of the ‘Home’ tab it’s missing the class=“grid_12” and other information from the contentTemplate and is different from ‘HomeInline’. Is there a different template that I can fill to fix the dynamic query? Is this a bug? Any ideas?

Sorry that I can’t help you with your problem but wanted to thank you for providing a very simple way of rendering views in CJuiTabs.

I was planning to use it instead of CTab but it was resulting in loss of time.

Thanks once again.