Yii-User Profile Field Issues

I keep coming across two issues when creating new profile user fields. I’m using 0.3-88 of yii-user.

I created a field, “city” but out of tiredness, I gave it a range of states, i.e. AL;AK;AZ etc. I had an issue with it at first, it didn’t like all the states in there and was giving a string to array conversion error. So I reduced it to just AL;AK to try it and it worked. Then I edited the field in the database directly (using MySql Workbench) to do all the states and it was still happy. Then I realized I did that to the city field. So I changed it back to a normal text field, and added a new field named “state”. I went through the same steps, but I still get errors on this field and cannot get it to work.

Editing the field appears to work. But then if I click on a user to view them, I get this error (domain.com/index.php/user/admin/view/id/1):

Array to string conversion


226             echo CHtml::closeTag($this->tagName);

227     }


229     /**

230      * This method is used by run() to render item row

231      *

232      * @param array $options config options for this item/attribute from {@link attributes}

233      * @param string $templateData data that will be inserted into {@link itemTemplate}

234      * @since 1.1.11

235      */

236     protected function renderItem($options,$templateData)

237     {

238         echo strtr(isset($options['template']) ? $options['template'] : $this->itemTemplate,$templateData);

239     }


241     /**

242      * @return CFormatter the formatter instance. Defaults to the 'format' application component.

243      */

244     public function getFormatter()

245     {

246         if($this->_formatter===null)

247             $this->_formatter=Yii::app()->format;

248         return $this->_formatter;

249     }


Stack Trace


+  /opt/yii/framework/zii/widgets/CDetailView.php(238): strtr("<tr class="{class}"><th>{label}</th><td>{value}</td></tr> ", array("{label}" => "State", "{class}" => "even", "{value}" => array("AL" => "AL", "AK" => "AK")))


+  /opt/yii/framework/zii/widgets/CDetailView.php(220): CDetailView->renderItem(array("label" => "State", "name" => "state", "type" => "raw", "value" => array("AL" => "AL", "AK" => "AK")), array("{label}" => "State", "{class}" => "even", "{value}" => array("AL" => "AL", "AK" => "AK")))


+  /opt/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php(173): CDetailView->run()


–  /var/www/domain/protected/modules/user/views/admin/view.php(57): CBaseController->widget("zii.widgets.CDetailView", array("data" => User, "attributes" => array("id", "username", array("label" => "Address 1", "name" => "address1", "type" => "raw", "value" => ""), array("label" => "Address 2", "name" => "address2", "type" => "raw", "value" => ""), ...)))

52     );


54     $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(

55         'data'=>$model,

56         'attributes'=>$attributes,

57     ));



60 ?>

And if I try to edit the user (domain.com/index.php/user/admin/update/id/1):

Property "Profile.state" is not defined.


133      */

134     public function __get($name)

135     {

136         if(isset($this->_attributes[$name]))

137             return $this->_attributes[$name];

138         elseif(isset($this->getMetaData()->columns[$name]))

139             return null;

140         elseif(isset($this->_related[$name]))

141             return $this->_related[$name];

142         elseif(isset($this->getMetaData()->relations[$name]))

143             return $this->getRelated($name);

144         else

145             return parent::__get($name);

146     }


148     /**

149      * PHP setter magic method.

150      * This method is overridden so that AR attributes can be accessed like properties.

151      * @param string $name property name

152      * @param mixed $value property value

153      */

154     public function __set($name,$value)

155     {

156         if($this->setAttribute($name,$value)===false)

157         {

Stack Trace


+  /opt/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveRecord.php(145): CComponent->__get("state")


+  /opt/yii/framework/web/helpers/CHtml.php(2529): CActiveRecord->__get("state")


+  /opt/yii/framework/web/helpers/CHtml.php(1802): CHtml::resolveValue(Profile, "state")


+  /opt/yii/framework/web/widgets/CActiveForm.php(847): CHtml::activeDropDownList(Profile, "state", array("AL" => "AL", "AK" => "AK"), array())


–  /var/www/domain/protected/modules/user/views/admin/_form.php(54): CActiveForm->dropDownList(Profile, "state", array("AL" => "AL", "AK" => "AK"))

49         <?php echo $form->labelEx($profile,$field->varname); ?>

50         <?php 

51         if ($widgetEdit = $field->widgetEdit($profile)) {

52             echo $widgetEdit;

53         } elseif ($field->range) {

54             echo $form->dropDownList($profile,$field->varname,Profile::range($field->range));

55         } elseif ($field->field_type=="TEXT") {

56             echo CHtml::activeTextArea($profile,$field->varname,array('rows'=>6, 'cols'=>50));

57         } else {

58             echo $form->textField($profile,$field->varname,array('size'=>60,'maxlength'=>(($field->field_size)?$field->field_size:255)));

59         }

and finally, as a logged in user clicking Profile at the top (domain.com/index.php/user/profile):

htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given


091      */

092     private static $_modelNameConverter;


094     /**

095      * Encodes special characters into HTML entities.

096      * The {@link CApplication::charset application charset} will be used for encoding.

097      * @param string $text data to be encoded

098      * @return string the encoded data

099      * @see php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars.php

100      */

101     public static function encode($text)

102     {

103         return htmlspecialchars($text,ENT_QUOTES,Yii::app()->charset);

104     }


106     /**

107      * Decodes special HTML entities back to the corresponding characters.

108      * This is the opposite of {@link encode()}.

109      * @param string $text data to be decoded

110      * @return string the decoded data

111      * @see php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars-decode.php

112      * @since 1.1.8

113      */

114     public static function decode($text)

115     {

Stack Trace


+  /opt/yii/framework/web/helpers/CHtml.php(103): htmlspecialchars(array("AL" => "AL", "AK" => "AK"), 3, "UTF-8")


–  /var/www/domain/protected/modules/user/views/profile/profile.php(34): CHtml::encode(array("AL" => "AL", "AK" => "AK"))

29             foreach($profileFields as $field) {

30                 //echo "<pre>"; print_r($profile); die();

31             ?>

32     <tr>

33         <th class="label"><?php echo CHtml::encode(UserModule::t($field->title)); ?></th>

34         <td><?php echo (($field->widgetView($profile))?$field->widgetView($profile):CHtml::encode((($field->range)?Profile::range($field->range,$profile->getAttribute($field->varname)):$profile->getAttribute($field->varname)))); ?></td>

35     </tr>

36             <?php

37             }//$profile->getAttribute($field->varname)

38         }

39     ?>


+  /opt/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php(126): require("/var/www/domain/protected/modules/user/views/profile/pro...")


+  /opt/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php(95): CBaseController->renderInternal("/var/www/domain/protected/modules/user/views/profile/pro...", array("model" => User, "profile" => Profile), true)


+  /opt/yii/framework/web/CController.php(869): CBaseController->renderFile("/var/www/domain/protected/modules/user/views/profile/pro...", array("model" => User, "profile" => Profile), true)


+  /opt/yii/framework/web/CController.php(782): CController->renderPartial("profile", array("model" => User, "profile" => Profile), true)


–  /var/www/domain/protected/modules/user/controllers/ProfileController.php(21): CController->render("profile", array("model" => User, "profile" => Profile))

16     {

17         $model = $this->loadUser();

18         $this->render('profile',array(

19             'model'=>$model,

20             'profile'=>$model->profile,

21         ));

22     }



25     /**

26      * Updates a particular model.

Any guidance would be appreciated. I like the potential of the extension, but this is frustrating.


I think this is solved. I’m not sure how or why though. It’s just working now. Maybe a caching thing? I thought that earlier, and turned Memcache off, and I’m not using file caching either, so I’m not sure. But it works for now. I have other fields to add, so maybe I’ll be back with more problems :)

Here we go again. I created a new field, varchar(5) of ‘Zip’. it shows up when I click Profile, or when I view a user (says ‘not set’), but trying to edit my own profile or editing a user profile from the Admin, results in Property “Profile.zip” is not defined.. I’m going to wait and see if this fixes itself, but does anyone have experience with this? Am I missing something?



Edit: It just started working, again, with no obvious changes on my side.