How To Filter & Set Dropdown Values From Array?


My dropdown is working but it is displaying all of the attributes returned in the array.

I would like to only set the [id] as the dropdown value & display [player_surname] in the dropdown list but I am unsure how to only get and pass these attributes.

Any help would be most appreciated


// Return a player array for primary use in dropdowns

public function getPlayerlist()


$id=(Yii::app()->user->venue_user_id); 		// set the ID 

// Return all the players associated with the users venue

$sqlPlayers='SELECT * FROM player LEFT JOIN player_venues ON = player_venues.player_id WHERE player_venues.venue_id=:id AND = "yes"';

$result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sqlPlayers)->bindValue('id',$id)->queryAll();

$playerList = array();			

foreach($result as $row)		


		$playerList[ ] = $row;


return $playerList;				// return the array values into the dropdown


Returned Array Values From Model



    [0] => Array


            [id] => 1

            [player_salutation] => Mr.

            [player_forename] => Martin

            [player_surname] => Blackshaw


    [1] => Array


            [id] => 2

            [player_salutation] => Mr.

            [player_forename] => David

            [player_surname] => Ward


    [2] => Array


            [id] => 14

            [player_salutation] => Mr.

            [player_forename] => Simon

            [player_surname] => Walker


    [3] => Array


            [id] => 15

            [player_salutation] => Mrs.

            [player_forename] => Susan

            [player_surname] => Potts



Dropdown In The View File


echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'player_total_selector', $model->getPlayerlist(),



		'prompt'=>'Select Your Player',



Many thanks


Looks you are looking for active player. Because your function getPlayerlist is return an array, not active records, so I hope you can apply below code, of course you should save your code before you do the changes.

in the player view file:

echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'player_total_selector', 

CHtml::listData($model->findAllBySql('SELECT * FROM player LEFT JOIN

 player_venues ON = player_venues.player_id WHERE 

player_venues.venue_id=:id AND = "yes"'), 

'id', 'player_surname'),



                'prompt'=>'Select Your Player',


This code will create all your player list as the options depends on the SQL query, then put them in your drop down list as a pair of (id, player_surname).

Good luck.

I mean replace below code in your view file by mine. Make sure it’s in player view file, so the $model is Player::model(). If it’s not in player view file, you can replace $model->findAllBySql by Player::model()->findAllBySql.

echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'player_total_selector', $model->getPlayerlist(),



                'prompt'=>'Select Your Player',
