Dynamically Update Google Map Based On User Query

Hi, I am using this extension to display the google map in my page. And i have a text field that have been adding dynamically. I want to display the text field values in the google map. How to pass the text field values into the google map functionality.


<div id="map_section">

	<div class="country_travell" style="background-color: #F8F8F8">


	foreach($countriesTravelled as $i => $countryTravelled) {

		$isCloseRequired = ($i==0) ? false : true;

		$this->renderPartial('_country_travelled', array('countryTravelled'=> $countryTravelled,

			'i' => $i, // Row or iterator







	<div id="gmap">

		<?php $this->renderPartial('gmap',array('flagMap1'=>$flagMap)); ?>



        <div class="floatLeft txt-input" rel="col1" style="width:150px;">


	    echo $form->textField($countryTravelled, "[$i]place", array('onchange'=>'getPlaceName(this.value);', 'style' => 'width: 150px;'));




function getPlaceName(vl) {



		type: 'POST',

		url: '<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl("site/showGmap"); ?>',


			success:function(data) {

				// alert(data);

				// if success


			jQuery("#gmap").load("<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('site/showGmap'); ?>");


			error: function(data) { // if error occured

			alert("Error occured...! Please try again");




		// $("#gmap").load("gmap.php");



public function actionShowGmap() {


	// echo $place; exit;

	[b]$this->render('gmap', array('place'=>$place));[/b]


In the controller i’m getting the value of place. and i want to pass the same place value in to the gmap.

Please anyone help me :(