Yii :: Cjuidatetimepicker Is Not Supporting English Language

I am using CJuiDateTimePicker in my yii application but can’t changed the language to English. It has default de/fr language. How can I change the language to ENGLISH

Here is the CODE::

<?php Yii::import(‘application.extensions.CJuiDateTimePicker.CJuiDateTimePicker’);


'model'=&gt;&#036;model, //Model object

'attribute'=&gt;'pp_date', //attribute name

'language'=&gt; 'de',



//'showAnim' =&gt; 'fold',


'changeMonth' =&gt; 'true',

'changeYear' =&gt; 'true',

'showOtherMonths' =&gt; 'true',

'selectOtherMonths' =&gt; 'true',

'showOn' =&gt; 'both',

'buttonImageOnly' =&gt; 'true',

'yearRange' =&gt; 'c-100:c'


//'options'=&gt;array('showAnim'=&gt;'fold') // jquery plugin options



You need change the ‘language’ attribute to ‘en’. If it didn’t help you, you can set the ‘language’ attribute to ‘en’ into your main config.