Jquery Plugin Help

How do I add mcDropdown("#categorymenu") to the document ready function.

I was able to get jQuery(’#w1’).mcDropdown() by using

$this->registerWidget(‘mcDropdown’, McDropDownAsset::className());

I needed to add the jQuery(’#w1’).mcDropdown("#categorymenu")


Anybody ?? Please…

The problem is you are posting this query on a wrong forum. This forum is for Yii 2.0 discussions. You may want to check the JQuery or the related plugin’s forums for this to get a better response.


Thnx for the reply. The mcdropdown plugin extension is available in Yii 1.1x

I wanted to start using the plugin in Yii2.0. There are no proper documentation for developing JQuery Plugin in yii 2.0 yet, so was having difficulty.

Plz let me know if you have any idea how to start with.

Thnx Again.

From a point of view of concepts of developing extensions in Yii2 read the following:

  1. usage of namespaces in PHP 5.4

  2. composer package manager - what it is and how its used in Yii 2

  3. concepts when upgrading from Yii 1 to Yii2

  4. You can then start by reading the extensions guide/doc for Yii2.

  5. Concepts of assets and asset bundles in Yii 2.

Since its jquery or jquery ui related, you can take a look at yii’s inbuilt yii2-jui extension. Something like the JUI DatePicker to understand how to develop extensions.

You can take a look at few of the extensions I developed if its useful for you as well:





