Yii - How Can I Filter The Rows In A Gridview By Using Radiobuttons In Search-Form

I’m new to Yii Framework.

I created radiobuttonlist out of two fields in search form-(Approval,ReviewedDate).

    <div class="row">

    		<?php #echo $form->label($model,'ReviewedDate'); ?>		

                    <?php echo $form->radioButtonList($model, 'ReviewedDate', 

            array('1' => 'Reviewed', '' => 'Not Reviewed')

        ); ?>



           <div class="row"> 

    	            <?php echo $form->radioButtonList($model, 'Approved', 

            array('0' => 'Rejected', '1' => 'Approved')

        ); ?> 


Now I have another two fields in the search form (Updateddate,createddate).

Such that I use the search form to filter the values of gridview accordingly.

Suppose, I

  1. click on the reviewed radiobutton, all records where (updateddate>createddate) and (revieweddate=0000-00-00 00:00:00) should be displayed.

  2. click on the not reviewed radiobutton, all records where (updateddate=createddate) and (revieweddate=NULL) should be displayed.

  3. click on the approved radiobutton, all records where (updateddate>createddate) and (revieweddate!=0000-00-00 00:00:00) and (approved=1) should be displayed.

  4. click on the rejected radiobutton, all records where (updateddate>createddate) and (revieweddate!=0000-00-00 00:00:00) and (approved=0)should be displayed.

By default, revieweddate is NULL. When I update the form the value of revieweddate changes to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 and the value of updateddate changes to the currenttime.

Below is the model code:

    public function search()


    		// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that

    		// should not be searched.


    		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;







                      if($this->ReviewedDate != '') 


                    $criteria->addCondition('ReviewedDate '.($this->ReviewedDate=="0000-00-00 00:00:00" ? 'IS NOT NULL' : 'IS NULL'));





                    $criteria->addCondition('ReviewedDate IS NULL');                 



                    if (isset($this->Approved) && !empty($this->Approved)) {

                            $criteria = new CDbCriteria;

                            $criteria->select = 't.*';

                            $criteria->addCondition("approved='" . $this->Approved . "'");




    		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(






How can I filter the above conditions with the use of radiobuttons in search-form

Add addCondition statements before the first compare statement. Next to the ,
